Wednesday, September 29, 2010

More than half of oil "stranded" Gulf of Mexico

    Xinhua Xinhua Beijing September 28, 27, said U.S. investigators, the Gulf of Mexico crude oil spill in more than 50% leakage still remain in the Gulf of Mexico.
    Florida State University oceanography professor Ian McDonald told investigators that while oil spills and other means to clean up after burning, but "hold the part is highly
stable material. This part of more than 50% of the total oil, for further clean-up . "
    "Most of these residue buried in the sediments of marine and coastal," he said.
    AFP interpretation words MacDonald suggests that about 250 barrels of oil remain in the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem.
    BP oil rig rented "Deep Horizon" April 20 burst into flames, sinking into the Gulf of Mexico about 36 hours later. 11 deaths on the rigs. Large amount of oil leakage.
    U.S. Interior Department on Aug. 4 preliminary estimate released a report showing through the burning, skimming, direct the collection, use various means of dispersing
agent, 74% of oil spills to clean up. The remaining 26% of the oil or by the oil slick, oil the ball to stay in shape or below the surface of the water, or washed into the Gulf
Coast, or buried in sand and marine sediments.
    Interior Minister Kensa LaSalle said that the government learned painful lessons Gulf of Mexico oil spill. This event promoting regulatory reform federal offshore oil

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