Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Law of former President Jacques Chirac "pay to" for withdrawal

    Xinhua Xinhua Beijing 28 September 27 decision to the Paris City Hall, the removal of former President Jacques Chirac's prosecution of alleged corruption.
    Paris City Hall by 147 votes to 13 votes against and 1 abstention withdrawal decision.
    As the withdrawal conditions, Chirac and the UMP party he belongs to the Paris city government agreed to pay 2.2 million euros (about $ 2,962,300).
    Chirac in 1977 to 1995 served as mayor of Paris, suspected from 1983 to 1995 for the respective parties in the government of 21 members of false position, embezzlement based
party "line their own pockets."
    Chirac and his own party to pay 220 million euros (about $ 2,962,300) for these "false public officer" of the total salaried.
    Chirac's lawyer for Weil, said Chirac, I will pay 50 million euros ($ 672,000), and the rest borne by the UMP. Chirac needs to bank loan to pay the money.
    He said: "Paris city government decided to withdrawal, Mr. Chirac and good for everybody."
    President Jacques Chirac during the alleged corruption case "unmasked," but with a temporary presidential immunity to escape investigation. He retired in 2007 after
allegations of corruption by. The end of October 2009, the French judiciary has decided to "embezzlement" and "abuse of trust," Chirac prosecuted for.
    Paris does not mean withdrawal of the case of alleged corruption, the end of Jacques Chirac, who still faces prosecution of the French judiciary, but the Paris court of his
withdrawal to reduce stress.
    Court case is scheduled for November 2010 or February 2011 began, a Paris court is scheduled for October 1 to determine the trial date. If Chirac convicted, he could face up
to 10 years in prison, 15 million euros ($ 201,600) fine.

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