Friday, September 24, 2010

Diplomats in New York was killed in Nicaragua, cut-throat

23 New York police said the Nicaraguan diplomat Cesar Mel Caddo apartment in New York was a cut-throat killed. An initial investigation revealed that this is murder.
Diplomats killed in home
Mercado attended the scheduled day of the 65th UN General Assembly. His driver the morning to take him to his apartment and found him killed.
Paul Brown, deputy director of the New York Police Department said the driver arrived, Mercado residence door shut, but not locked. Driver knocked on the door no one answered the door and enter the room, found lying on the ground Mercado, the body and the surrounding ground with blood everywhere, then the police. Mercado had multiple wounds on the neck, abdomen being stabbed with a knife. "This clearly was a homicide." Brown said.
Police found beside the body of Mercado a steak knife 30 centimeters long, and then sink in the bathroom to find a fruit knife.
6 floor apartment building, lived Mercado top. Several neighbors said those killed were not heard inside the house the night before abnormal sound heard. However, a neighbor said came upstairs heard "screams and knocking."
Friends said it was "good"
Police Mercado recent social contacts, relationships and the whereabouts of an investigation, no suspects have not yet locked. In addition, the murderer's motive has not been determined.
Mercado's friends Dole said: "He did not enemies, each who knew him love him." Not long ago, Mercado diagnosed with diabetes, weight loss seems a lot. She urged him to see a doctor as soon as possible. "He is the perfect guy, the best people." She said.
■ News
Ahmadinejad said the U.S. director of "9.11"
UN General Assembly speech, provoke controversy; leave the protest on behalf of the United States and the European Union
23, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the United Nations General Assembly general debate, said that 2001 "9.11" terrorist attacks may not be the "base" for the organization, but orchestrated by the U.S. government. United States, the European Union and other countries on behalf of leave in protest.
Enumerated the "9.11" three possible
Ahmadinejad at the UN over the years made controversial remarks, this year is no exception. He said, "9.11" terrorist attacks there are three possibilities.
Ahmadinejad said the first possibility is the "base" like the "strong and sophisticated terrorist organization" penetrate U.S. intelligence and defense systems, to carry out attacks. U.S. government officials and politicians basically hold this view, while the terrorist attacks and the "base" together.
He went on to propose a second possibility that "some factions within the U.S. government a self" to carry out attacks, to save the U.S. economy to ensure that the impact of the United States in the Middle East, save Israel. "Most of the American people, many countries and politicians agree with that." He said.
Turning to the third possible, Ahmadinejad said, "9.11" terrorist attacks may indeed by the Department, but the U.S. government behind the scenes support.
Ahmadinejad urged the United Nations to establish an "independent group to explore the facts," "investigation '9 * 11 'the truth."
The United States condemns Ahmadinejad comments
Ahmadinejad finished second possibility, two U.S. diplomats got up to leave in protest; the European Union of 27 member countries and representatives of other countries to join the ranks of departure.
Permanent Mission of the United States to speak before the end of the Ahmadinejad issued a statement condemning his remarks. "Mr. Ahmadinejad once again chosen to rattle the evil anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and slander, not expression of vision and goodwill the people of Iran." Spokesman for the U.S. Mission to the United Nations said in a statement  workers, "As expected, these hateful remarks and unrealistic."

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