Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Venezuela's ruling party declared victory in a parliamentary election won 98 seats eventually

    CARACAS, Sept. 27 (Xinhua Shan) 27, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said in Caracas, his ruling Socialist Unity Party a majority in the parliamentary elections, the victory
    Chavez held a news conference at the presidential palace, said a unified socialist party in the National Assembly (Parliament) won 165 seats to 98 seats, the opposition
Union "Solidarity Democratic Union" won 65 seats, and the other minority parties, check Weiss before the Union government party "country people" party won 2 seats.
    The results with the Venezuelan Electoral Commission announced early 27 preliminary results of magnitude. Venezuela's Electoral Commission was announced that more than 90%
of the votes has been completed statistics, according to the statistics, the United Socialist Party won 95 seats, the opposition alliance won 61 seats, "our motherland" Party
won 2 seats.
    Although the Unified Socialist Party claimed victory, but the party failed to obtain two-thirds of seats in parliament, which means that future changes in the law and the
appointment of candidates for key positions, the ruling party will have to seek opposition support. Opposition coalition "uniting the Democratic Alliance" will be the election
results as a great victory, for 27 of its supporters are the headquarters in Caracas to celebrate "victory." Borges opposition leader, said: "This is a clear message: we do not
want the government's radical way."
    Venezuela's national parliamentary elections held on 26, a total of 17.5 million voters, more than 65% of voters participated in the vote, a record high voter turnout
election of Venezuela.

Russian president to lift Mayor Yuri Luzhkov of Moscow office

MOSCOW, Sept. 28 (Xinhua Weiliang Lei) 28, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree, announced the lifting of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov's office.
Russian presidential press service announced the same day, Medvedev signed the premature termination of Mayor Luzhkov's order, because Luzhkov lost the trust of the president.
Command also appointed First Deputy Mayor of Moscow temporarily out Sim Mayor.
Russian media quoted Russian presidential press secretary quarter of Make Wa saying Luzhkov could leave a more modest way, that is to resign. Medvedev will not be dismissed
Luzhkov met.
Russian official media in recent days criticized Luzhkov suspected corruption, dereliction of duty, abuse of power. Media had speculated that he might last two days have been
Luzhkov, 26, the week just ended holiday home in Austria. He had announced on the 27th will not resign.
The 74-year-old Yuri Luzhkov in June 1992 by President Yeltsin when he was appointed mayor of Moscow, after three consecutive re-election, most recently in June 2007. Luzhkov is
the United Russia Party Supreme Council Deputy Chairman.

Chinese to become the fourth largest immigrant groups in Argentina

Xinhua Buenos Aires, Sept. 27 (Xinhua Songjie Yun Feng Junyang), according to Argentina, "Horn reportedly" 27 reported that the current Chinese immigrants and their descendants
in Argentina has reached 12 million, becoming the fourth South American countries large immigrant groups.
The report quoted figures provided by the Argentine Ministry of Interior Immigration in 2005 and 2006, the number of Chinese immigrants in Argentina, 6 million people. A few
years later, Chinese immigrants in Argentina with the first generation descendants of immigrants born in the total number has reached 12 million, second only to Bolivia,
Paraguay and Peru's fourth largest immigrant group.
Statistics show that last year, 7,103 Chinese citizenship in Argentina, while the last five years, the Chinese joined the Argentine average of about 5,000 people each year.
Currently, most overseas Chinese living in the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires and neighboring provinces, mainly in supermarkets, restaurants and retail.

Peace Commission of the Government of Afghanistan announced membership

KABUL, Sept. 28 (Xinhua Wang Yan Zhang Ning) formally announced the Afghan Presidential Palace on the 28th Arab Higher Committee for Peace membership, the institution will seek
to start peace talks with the Taliban.
Wahid Omar, a spokesman for the Afghan presidential palace in Kabul the same day at a news conference that the Israeli-Arab peace in Afghanistan is committed to the High
Commission will bring lasting peace and reconciliation to end the war.
According to the published list of 70 Arab Higher Committee for Peace members, including former Afghan President Rabbani and Sibghatullah Mojaddedi, a number of religious
leaders and representatives of eight women.
Rohani and several other former Taliban commander named this body, Rohani had any time the Taliban came to power in Kabul University.
This year in June, the Afghan peace jirga (tribal elders meeting) was held in the Afghan capital Kabul, Afghan President Hamid Karzai's plan to establish peace committees at the
meeting was adopted. 4 this month, Karzai announced that he has set up a committee to prepare peace talks with the Taliban.
Karzai urged the Taliban to give up 28 again the use of violence, and government work together to realize national peace and stability efforts. But the Taliban has always
insisted on the withdrawal of foreign troops in Afghanistan must be the precondition for peace talks, refused to participate in peace talks.

Organization and other international organizations on epidemic prevention and control of chaos Kahuo offered great support

Xinhua Yaounde on September 28 (Xinhua Liu Fang) Cameroon state radio quoted official data, 28 this year in May since the cholera outbreak in northern Cameroon, Cameroon has
been found within the 7048 cholera infection, in which 472 people died , 6576 were cured. The various efforts, the epidemic has been gradually Kahuo chaos under control.
Currently, the Cameroon Ministry of Public Health sent the roving treatment groups and volunteers are carrying out epidemic prevention work in the northern region, to the local
population health and disease prevention knowledge, Professor, for the disinfection of drinking water points and toilets, and accommodation for patients and suspected patients
for system disinfection.
Reported that the Cameroon Government to formulate a one-year epidemic prevention and control planning. UNICEF, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the World Health
Organization and other international organizations on epidemic prevention and control of chaos Kahuo offered great support.

Mexico called on States to change deal amount to anything in the Kan Kunda

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 28 (Xinhua Wang Xiangjiang Bai Jie) Heller of Mexico on the 28th Permanent Representative of the UN General Assembly general debate, called upon States to
be held in Cancun in the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference to achieve effective , operational agreement.
Heller said that the international community can not continue to sit back and watch the negative impact of climate change, to avoid this issue would cause huge financial and
human costs, seriously affecting human life today and in the future.
Heller said that, as the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, the host country, Mexico is making every effort, worked hard, through transparent, inclusive and
accountable way to make this conference to reach practical and workable agreement.
Heller said that countries should make a series of Cancun, "a rich and balanced," the decision and those decisions can be implemented immediately. He said an agreement was not
an action or respond to such a complex issue of climate change international regime to address climate change should be based on technical and socio-economic development, common
but differentiated responsibilities based on evolving.
He called on countries around the world take advantage of the opportunities the General Assembly in Cancun, showing the political will for the establishment of effective and
fair mechanism to address climate change, international basis.

Law of former President Jacques Chirac "pay to" for withdrawal

    Xinhua Xinhua Beijing 28 September 27 decision to the Paris City Hall, the removal of former President Jacques Chirac's prosecution of alleged corruption.
    Paris City Hall by 147 votes to 13 votes against and 1 abstention withdrawal decision.
    As the withdrawal conditions, Chirac and the UMP party he belongs to the Paris city government agreed to pay 2.2 million euros (about $ 2,962,300).
    Chirac in 1977 to 1995 served as mayor of Paris, suspected from 1983 to 1995 for the respective parties in the government of 21 members of false position, embezzlement based
party "line their own pockets."
    Chirac and his own party to pay 220 million euros (about $ 2,962,300) for these "false public officer" of the total salaried.
    Chirac's lawyer for Weil, said Chirac, I will pay 50 million euros ($ 672,000), and the rest borne by the UMP. Chirac needs to bank loan to pay the money.
    He said: "Paris city government decided to withdrawal, Mr. Chirac and good for everybody."
    President Jacques Chirac during the alleged corruption case "unmasked," but with a temporary presidential immunity to escape investigation. He retired in 2007 after
allegations of corruption by. The end of October 2009, the French judiciary has decided to "embezzlement" and "abuse of trust," Chirac prosecuted for.
    Paris does not mean withdrawal of the case of alleged corruption, the end of Jacques Chirac, who still faces prosecution of the French judiciary, but the Paris court of his
withdrawal to reduce stress.
    Court case is scheduled for November 2010 or February 2011 began, a Paris court is scheduled for October 1 to determine the trial date. If Chirac convicted, he could face up
to 10 years in prison, 15 million euros ($ 201,600) fine.

More than half of oil "stranded" Gulf of Mexico

    Xinhua Xinhua Beijing September 28, 27, said U.S. investigators, the Gulf of Mexico crude oil spill in more than 50% leakage still remain in the Gulf of Mexico.
    Florida State University oceanography professor Ian McDonald told investigators that while oil spills and other means to clean up after burning, but "hold the part is highly
stable material. This part of more than 50% of the total oil, for further clean-up . "
    "Most of these residue buried in the sediments of marine and coastal," he said.
    AFP interpretation words MacDonald suggests that about 250 barrels of oil remain in the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem.
    BP oil rig rented "Deep Horizon" April 20 burst into flames, sinking into the Gulf of Mexico about 36 hours later. 11 deaths on the rigs. Large amount of oil leakage.
    U.S. Interior Department on Aug. 4 preliminary estimate released a report showing through the burning, skimming, direct the collection, use various means of dispersing
agent, 74% of oil spills to clean up. The remaining 26% of the oil or by the oil slick, oil the ball to stay in shape or below the surface of the water, or washed into the Gulf
Coast, or buried in sand and marine sediments.
    Interior Minister Kensa LaSalle said that the government learned painful lessons Gulf of Mexico oil spill. This event promoting regulatory reform federal offshore oil

Challenge the president sacked the mayor of Moscow

28, Russian presidential press service announced the day of President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree lifting of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov's office. This makes public the famous
Yuri Luzhkov, "class" rumor become a reality. Since then, Luzhkov Mayor of Moscow for 18 years career ends.
At the same time, Medvedev, Deputy Mayor of the specified column in Moscow Moscow, as Acting Mayor Sim.
Luzhkov and the Kremlin has long grudges. August of this year, Moscow suffered fire and smoke invasion, as the Mayor Luzhkov is still its own way, to the Austrian resort casual.
This approach has been public criticism of the Kremlin.
Early September, Luzhkov and the "Russian newspaper" published a signed article revealed dissatisfaction with the incumbent government to require others to join the ruling party
elected the next presidential election, to "restore government authority and the status of past." He also criticized the paper Medvedev suspend provision of the relevant
decisions of forest road construction, and in turn, Putin made the proposal. Then, without naming the Kremlin to accuse Luzhkov "deliberately provocative relationship between
president and prime minister."
It is reported that Dmitry Medvedev have already lost patience Mayor Luzhkov, Yuri Luzhkov Prime Minister Vladimir Putin openly supported candidates in the 2012 presidential
elections, and stand in the position of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin openly questioned the integrity of Mape combined with the power , and its attempt to provoke internal
strife of words and deeds of the President to the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, very unhappy.
But Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has supported Luzhkov, while he advocates officials younger, while 73-year-old insisted the appointment of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, against
his resignation.
Luzhkov and in conflicts between the Kremlin gradually "upgrade" the occasion of his 19 vacation leave Russia to Austria, is considered a temporary "evasive" about his class of
However, Luzhkov, 26 accepted an interview with Interfax, said he "did not intend to resign."
Itar-Tass said Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, under the leadership transition, modern metropolis well on its way. In his 18 years in power, a large number of skyscrapers going up, the
International Trade Centre, which is also building construction. In addition, Luzhkov has initiated a number of renovated historic buildings, including the Savior Cathedral.
However, some anti-government organizations have also criticized the ruling in Luzhkov during the Soviet era, some of the landmarks are not properly protected, "Moscow, the
destruction of architectural heritage."
Russian official media in recent days criticized Luzhkov suspected corruption, abuse of power. He allegedly used his position to vigorously collect money for his wife Baturina
business "convenience."
Russian media said Baturina contract a large number of projects involving real estate industry, became Russia's richest women entrepreneurs. She now has 29 billion in assets, is
the U.S. "Forbes" magazine as Russia's third richest woman.

Iranian President's visit to Lebanon will be a symbol of throwing stones at Israeli aptitudes

Global Network reporter Liang Xu Arab media reported that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad plans visit to Lebanon on October 13, when he threw a stone symbol of the direction of sexual orientation Israel.

According to the Arabic "Al-Quds Arabic Daily" reported that Ahmadinejad This will have a negative impact on the Jewish state. Ahmadinejad will travel to southern Lebanon from the Israeli border near the center of a park to participate in the opening ceremony of Iran, there is also the 2006 Lebanon war, one of the place.

Earlier, Ahmadinejad criticized Israel released more than once, "the Zionist regime," the speech, the most heated comments were "wiped from the earth of Israel." Ahmadinejad also believes that "Israel did not dare to attack Iran."

Ahmadinejad said the U.S. media do not change clothes a week

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's movements have always attracted the attention of the world. Ironically, the U.S. media recently, said Ahmadinejad did not change clothes for a week. In this regard, many users believe that a mockery of the U.S. media has vilified the horse.

Dubai-based Arab TV station website in 28 U.S. media reports that quoted last week, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to attend UN General Assembly meeting in 7 days time, every day, people familiar with wearing a suit. Not only suit the same color, same style, and because Ahmadinejad does not like wearing a tie, so from his suit and shirt in the exposed, is also clearly visible, the original is the same shirt, style and color are not any changes. The report can not help but ask: "Is Ahmadinejad to carry luggage is lost, no clothes to change it?"

The report also said Ahmadinejad in New York is very strict security measures. Since the Iranian delegation arrived in New York on September 18, they pack down the hotel's six floors, a total of 90 rooms, in fact, the number of missions is only 20, do not need that much room. Reported that, in addition to other activities necessary to speak, Ahmadinejad has never been out of the room, the room where the windows were replaced by bodyguards bullet-proof glass in case of emergency.

    For this report, many users agree. One user wrote: Although I do not like Ahmadinejad, but the U.S. media coverage is clearly unfair, and even "rumor." Wearing the same clothes, not that there is no change, and may be two entirely the same clothes. This post has been the support of many friends, most of them reported that the West on Iran "inevitably discredit the ingredients."

Robot to imitate the development staff at massage shampoo shampoo

According to the British "Daily Telegraph" reported on September 27, Japan has developed a shampoo for people, and the head massage "shampoo robot." At the same time, the robot with an electric nursing bed is connected, not only greatly reduce the workload of hospital nurses and nursing care for people who have been called a blessing.

Developed this "shampoo robot" Panasonic researchers said, "shampoo robot" on each side of the fuselage of a robot arm, each arm has eight "fingers", the body part setting has a helmet-like device, as long as care providers face upward head into it, installed in the sensor device in the helmet on the person's head will begin to scan, and the scan data input robot built by a computer in. Then, the computer will be based on these data, the use of the 16 root diameter of about 2 cm of the resin system "fingers" to the appropriate force of the person to repeat the rubbing the head, pressure, pinching, rubbing, washing, etc., the whole process is about shampoo requires 3 to 8 minutes.

In addition, the "shampoo robot" built-in computer will record every person who has been nursing the header information for the future to provide them with better and more convenient service.

It is worth mentioning that this "shampoo Robot" also can be converted into a wheelchair and a bed connected to the care, it is very easy for patients with mobility shampoo service. The nursing care beds and regular beds as the bed can also be height, backrest angle and other aspects of regulation. Between bed and wheelchair due care can easily be converted, which makes the transfer of persons to be nursing actions such as easy and safe.

September 27, the opening of the robot in Tokyo, Japan 37th International Exhibition on the well-being of the machine on public display. At the same time, Panasonic said it will strive in 2012, this "shampoo robot" put on the market.

Canada 10 million for charitable fund-raising walk in the 41 million overseas Walk

According to Canadian media reports, the annual "Walk SUCCESS", 11 in Canada Park, Stanley Park Baiwen lively start running, a total of more than 300 teams, 10 million people
attended, and called on more than 600 volunteers operation is estimated total fund-raising 415,000 yuan, exceeding the target. This year, this event has been accompanied by the
Vancouver Chinese community people through 25 years.
11, attended the "Opening Ceremony" in the number of very public politicians guests, including Prime Minister of Canada on behalf of the Federal Parliamentary Secretary
multicultural Alice Wong, British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell (Gordon Campbell) and the Provincial Member Meili Si (Moria Stilwell), Zhang Xingfang, Maini Er (Mary McNeil),
The Evergreen, and many other Cabinet minister, on behalf of Mayor Wu Wen love neighbor (Ellen Woodsworth), and the Chinese Consul-General Liang Wen comb in the root, the Vice-
Consul Li Wenci and so on. Dragon eye-dotting ceremony, 7 km of the "Walking with Dinosaurs" charity walk began.
For many families, to participate in Walk and outdoor carnival has become "annual events", set of charity, entertainment, family, outdoor sports as a whole, many of the
experienced is required to get ready a picnic and leisure in the sun and nature to enjoy a good time. Serena with her daughter, Mr. Zhou, a is the case, they said with a smile,
Serena is still the womb of time to start "Walking with Dinosaurs", and less than 3 years old, she is already millions of lines of regulars, happy wife of weeks pregnant again
expressed that next year with two children to participated.
This year's "SUCCESS Walk" coincides with the silver jubilee, 25 years, never missed the SUCCESS Foundation President Leaves Wu Meiqi, laughing, recalling the original 1986, the
first event, and now also as the millions of lines on like SUCCESS development and growth, has been integrated into mainstream society.
Ye Wu Meiqi said that the participants are mostly of Chinese in the early years, I hope to adapt to the new immigrants have not yet driven out of a walk, feel the beauty of
Vancouver and the integration of the local leisure life, but the last 10 years, they invited the media along with the mainstream society host a show, in Overseas Yiyin known
multi-language, multi-service increasing, and now the millions of lines of Vancouver has become a major local event, more and more diversified activities also no longer limited
to fund-raising, but the warm atmosphere of the carnival.
She was very grateful to all donors benefactor and volunteer support over the years and said the money raised this year will be used in the overseas youth, elderly, women, and
family counseling services.

British Men's Cycling Around the World in 176 days to refresh the Guinness Book of World Records

    Wayne Cox, 34-year-old British man to reach the 1st Greenwich bike, cycling around the world to complete challenges. When challenged with a full 176 days, travel about
29,200 kilometers, creating a new Guinness world record.
Record breaking 195 days
Cox, local time at 15:00 on the 1st of departure GMT bike arrived, complete challenges. He said: "We are pleased to complete the challenges and create new records."
Cox is a professional cycling coach, won the British "Southwest mountain bike race" championship. He is February 7 starting from Greenwich, began to challenge the shortest
period of time cycling around the world. Prior to the Guinness world record holder Mark Beaumont for the British. He was riding in 2008 lasted 195 days the whole journey.
Cox through more than 20 countries and regions, in the challenge process, in addition to the event by plane or ship water outside, Cox has been riding a bicycle ride.
Adventure to raise money for charity
Cox ride prior to departure, did not set specific routes, but developed some rules to make the trip adventurous. These rules include: You must complete the journey at the
starting point, at least about 29,000 km ride, do not turn back and so on.
Journey was not smooth sailing, he encountered in France, cold, wind encountered in Australia, in California, suffered heavy snow, dust storms experienced in Liberia. In the
meantime, he also uttered the stomach.
In addition to challenging the world record and adventure, the Cox cycling around the world there is a purpose to raise money for charity.
He intends to raise £ 18,000 a foundation (about $ 28,400), used to help leukemia patients.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Diplomats in New York was killed in Nicaragua, cut-throat

23 New York police said the Nicaraguan diplomat Cesar Mel Caddo apartment in New York was a cut-throat killed. An initial investigation revealed that this is murder.
Diplomats killed in home
Mercado attended the scheduled day of the 65th UN General Assembly. His driver the morning to take him to his apartment and found him killed.
Paul Brown, deputy director of the New York Police Department said the driver arrived, Mercado residence door shut, but not locked. Driver knocked on the door no one answered the door and enter the room, found lying on the ground Mercado, the body and the surrounding ground with blood everywhere, then the police. Mercado had multiple wounds on the neck, abdomen being stabbed with a knife. "This clearly was a homicide." Brown said.
Police found beside the body of Mercado a steak knife 30 centimeters long, and then sink in the bathroom to find a fruit knife.
6 floor apartment building, lived Mercado top. Several neighbors said those killed were not heard inside the house the night before abnormal sound heard. However, a neighbor said came upstairs heard "screams and knocking."
Friends said it was "good"
Police Mercado recent social contacts, relationships and the whereabouts of an investigation, no suspects have not yet locked. In addition, the murderer's motive has not been determined.
Mercado's friends Dole said: "He did not enemies, each who knew him love him." Not long ago, Mercado diagnosed with diabetes, weight loss seems a lot. She urged him to see a doctor as soon as possible. "He is the perfect guy, the best people." She said.
■ News
Ahmadinejad said the U.S. director of "9.11"
UN General Assembly speech, provoke controversy; leave the protest on behalf of the United States and the European Union
23, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the United Nations General Assembly general debate, said that 2001 "9.11" terrorist attacks may not be the "base" for the organization, but orchestrated by the U.S. government. United States, the European Union and other countries on behalf of leave in protest.
Enumerated the "9.11" three possible
Ahmadinejad at the UN over the years made controversial remarks, this year is no exception. He said, "9.11" terrorist attacks there are three possibilities.
Ahmadinejad said the first possibility is the "base" like the "strong and sophisticated terrorist organization" penetrate U.S. intelligence and defense systems, to carry out attacks. U.S. government officials and politicians basically hold this view, while the terrorist attacks and the "base" together.
He went on to propose a second possibility that "some factions within the U.S. government a self" to carry out attacks, to save the U.S. economy to ensure that the impact of the United States in the Middle East, save Israel. "Most of the American people, many countries and politicians agree with that." He said.
Turning to the third possible, Ahmadinejad said, "9.11" terrorist attacks may indeed by the Department, but the U.S. government behind the scenes support.
Ahmadinejad urged the United Nations to establish an "independent group to explore the facts," "investigation '9 * 11 'the truth."
The United States condemns Ahmadinejad comments
Ahmadinejad finished second possibility, two U.S. diplomats got up to leave in protest; the European Union of 27 member countries and representatives of other countries to join the ranks of departure.
Permanent Mission of the United States to speak before the end of the Ahmadinejad issued a statement condemning his remarks. "Mr. Ahmadinejad once again chosen to rattle the evil anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and slander, not expression of vision and goodwill the people of Iran." Spokesman for the U.S. Mission to the United Nations said in a statement  workers, "As expected, these hateful remarks and unrealistic."

UK and Ireland increased level of terrorism threat

24, the Home Office announced increased threat of terrorism from Ireland, decided to with the Irish-related terrorism threat level from "medium" to "more serious."
Ministry of the Interior said that this was the first time, the United Kingdom and Ireland announced the results of the threat assessment, to remind people to be vigilant against terrorist threats, but the threat level is still lower than the threat from international terrorism.
Trey Shamei said Home Secretary to make such judgments are based on many factors, including the terrorist organization's intentions and capabilities, hoping the public to remain vigilant, but she also stressed the need to pay attention to balance, not to disturb people.
British Junqingwuchu's chief Jonathan Evans warned last week that the Irish dissidents tried to set off a new round of the British mainland terrorist attacks. In the past 3 years, Northern Ireland, the activities of dissident organizations and ambition to keep growing.
Evans said that from the beginning of the year so far, the United Kingdom have occurred more than 30 incidents of attacks or attempted attacks, but only 20 more than last year.
UK terrorism threat level is divided into five grades, namely, critical, serious, severe, moderate and low.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

U.s.-russian refused to aid in kyrgyzstan two countries continue to central Asian games

The core clew: kyrgyzstan's transition to the Russian President 18 again, hope for Russia invaded help defend important facilities and southern quell riots, but not sure reply. Obama also general to the United States and her help, were also declined. But a year and a half ago, Russia and the United States military bases around in djibouti, remaining problem infighting between the diplomatic in this situation has been holding on.
Kyrgyzstan transition, President and general rose into her 18th to Russia, hope again for Russia invaded help defend important facilities and southern quell riots, but not sure reply.
Russian media reported through baal, and to help her, American were also declined. 6 countries such as Russia &cis composed of collective security pact had not sent to declare, kyrgyzstan peacekeeping forces.
A year and a half ago, Russia and the United States military bases around in existence question fudge infighting. Now why are made to stand in kyrgyzstan? The game in central Asia and beauty in kyrgyzstan, what effect?
Obama and Eva 18 through Jeremiah said to help defend the Russian army, kyrgyzstan, hydropower station within the territory of the reservoir has "the strategic significance of the site.
Russian news agency quoted EGuoFangBu sources reported in Russia, a request, but has not been decided yet.
This is since the riots in southern kyrgyzstan, temporary government again request Russia invaded. When Russia with riots in internal affairs, clear refused.
The Russian President his protege dmitry medvedev who accept the Wall Street journal interview, not sent Russian reiterated military peacekeepers. According to the website of the interview released 18, dmitry medvedev said, "we take this one partner had kyrgyzstan, they must rely on solving problems by themselves.
The Russian businessman reported in Moscow, the interim government refused kyrgyzstan, and after the general requirements for her turn to Washington, want the United States from MaNa loan, military bases, assist transport vehicles sent the riots casualties.
MaNa military base in kyrgyzstan, near bishkek suburb. The main base for the military operations in Afghanistan provide logistical support.
But, according to the American foreign policy journal website news releases, and with her first general in kyrgyzstan's ambassador tower, and held a meeting, but the latter Belgrade, said the military aid is not in Washington. Obama denied her through baal again after resorting to Russia.
Kyrgyzstan, because of its strategic location, since 1991, after the independence is always in central Asia game of Russian one point. After the sept. 11 attacks, America in bishkek, international airport MaNa suburban built an air force base, after two years, Russia and kyrgyzstan and reactivated agreement in bishkek, 20 kilometers east of Canterbury air base.
The race in kyrgyzstan u.s.-russian auspicious outbreak in 2005 when the "colour revolutions" climax. The cause is widely thought, the regime change back American riots.
Then, MaNa existence question, base become u.s.-russian wrestler focus. February 2009, the council rejected us continue to hire MaNa station. The New York times reported that the Russian President KuErMan from kyrgyzstan, buick bakiyev commitment, once the latter announced MaNa closed, base, Russia will provide 21.5 million dollars in aid.
However, June 2009, kyrgyzstan, with the United States MaNa loan deal announced a new agreement, the military base. According to media reports, the Russian bakiyev to confirm the feel angry.
Dmitry medvedev told the Wall Street journal, still MaNa mentioned interview. He said, "MaNa, air force base should not exist forever", NATO military operations in Afghanistan, America should stop after using this base.
The New York times reporter, Alan Barry, Washington and Moscow's game increased social and political unrest in kyrgyzstan, and when facing difficulties, kyrgyzstan for their own interests and beauty, a change of position, withheld for intervention.
Moscow state university in central Asia, alex expert FuLaSuoFu told the New York times, kyrgyzstan, and complex causes unrest and cis collective security pact areas are loath to act, the mire.
Barry said U.S. troops, and in Iraq and Afghanistan, no force, also not intend to make military commitment in kyrgyzstan. Russia is worried, southern military presence in kyrgyzstan, may cause the local public discontent.
American think-tank strategic prediction (STRATFOR) 15 an article from the geopolitical Angle analysis, kyrgyzstan Russia heartland about 3,000 kilometers, except for the fact that Russian spetsnaz hopeless. In addition, Russia would not so with adjacent kyrgyzstan uzbekistan, also don't happen to direct conflict in which to trigger the former Soviet republic of Russia's "hegemony".
Some experts worry that I will sit situation worse damage u.s.-russian interests, more unfavorable kyrgyzstan and central Asia.
Through baal's her 18th south area, riots inspected the death toll could be ten times the official statistics, nearly 2,000 people. The world health organization estimates that more than 100 million people could spread riots, including 30 million people became refugees.
Besides, because the humanitarian crisis core area FeiErGanNa riots valley areas neighboring Afghanistan, upholding national situation, if not controlled, there may be religious extremism, drug trafficking and racial conflict in the new, Russia and the United States, endanger strategic objective.

Chile trapped miners 700 meters underground celebrates the national independent 200 years ago

On April 18 is Chile independent 200 anniversary of the national people's attention in Chile, 700 meters underground trapped miners in aid of 33.
According to the ground of the trapped miners in distress situation, their expression of love for the motherland, will be underground 700 meters deep litres, thank the flag ceremony for their lives in Chile's attention. The ground staff has the traditional festivals in Chile's food to underground. On the ground of the miners waiting for rescue relatives ready for signature by 33 miners in the flag day, on the flag-raising ceremony. This report, Chile President pinera will also recently to oversee rescue area. According to the latest reports, T130 rig has been put through a today diameter vertical position accurately, the centimeter, direct trapped miners refuge. The second step is to rescue the diameter of the shaft, in order to expand to 66 cm/well trapped miners.
As the third set of solutions, a large oil drilling preparation work has been completed, 45 meters high, will soon have set up derrick spud. The equipment will be one-time drill a life-saving Wells.
On August 5, the northern Chilean copper occurs in SAN jose, 33 landslide miners were trapped underground 700 meters. 17 days, the researchers obtained 33 miners survival information, then the rescue work.

South yemen at three bombs

Yemen interior 14, said south yemen Dali alberta 13 late in the three bombs, now revealed no casualties.
Interior ministry said on its website, Dali, provincial capital Dali cheng 3 remoter areas 13 and explosion. That is the interior southern separatists in bombings.
The ministry says, there is still no casualties were reported, but the explosion caused local residents to panic.
13 earlier, al qaeda in south yemen blow a province by shekels earthen gas transport pipeline, pipe explosion, fire damaged.
In 1990, north and south yemen unified republic was announced, yemen. In 1994, yemen unified leadership in north-south contradictions and problems intensified in civil war. Recently, the former belongs to the southern province of south yemen separatists continuously held demonstrations, and southern anti-government separatist forces conflict. According to local media and analysts said recent southern separatists and al qaeda collusion, division of sabotage.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

German Foreign Minister Westerwelle and same-sex love wedding

BEIJING Sept. 18 Xinhua, "Central News Agency," 18 reported that 17 German Foreign Minister Westerwelle family's blessing, and fell in love many years comrades step on the red carpet lover. Westerwelle is Europe's first openly homosexual identity of the foreign minister.
Well-informed "picture" (Bild) the first to report on the site, Westerwelle evening of the 17th witness in the 20 family members, and fell in love seven years of her boyfriend Muluo Zi (Michael Mronz) were married, by the Bonn (Bonn) Mayor of witnesses.
Westerwelle, 48, 2004, to participate in the Prime Minister Angela Merkel (Angela Merkel) 50-year-old birthday party, the only just started dating boyfriend Mu Luozi for the first time in public exposure, from both a double into the right, with Wagner Music Festival in Germany and other important social occasions.
As foreign minister last year, in addition to homosexuality hostile countries, Westerwelle overseas trip, Mu Luozi often followed at his side.
Muluo Zi is a famous German sports manager, who hosted the equestrian events, marathons, and track and field.
Germany's Green Party in power in 2001, Comrade married by law, although not completely so nominally the same man and a woman's marriage, but the dependency between partners, estate duty and the provisions of maintenance after divorce, and heterosexual marriage almost the same.
In view of the politicians and the family more and more, the German government is also preparing to amend the law to allow a married couple comrades lovers can adopt a child together.